
yuztalk|From <40+4>’s interview to –The Filmic Journey of Yang Fudong

Time: September 26th, 14:00
Lecuturer: David Quadrio
Location: VIP Glass Room, 3rd Floor, YUZ Museum
Language: mandarin
Fee: Free

About the Talk:

As the curator, David Quadrio will talk about YANG Fudong’s projects he curated in the last two years in particular New Women and the exhibition in Italy he did with YANG Fudong’s early works. <40+4 Art Is Not Enough! Not Enough! > is the first interactive panoramic video installation in China. It includes the interviews of forty artists in Shanghai. The conversation extended from their own art creation to the concentration on understanding their behavior, role and status in this ever-changing society. For YANG Fudong himself, what kind of transitions happened from the creation of <40+4 Art Is Not Enough! Not Enough! > to <New Women>? Come on September 26th and take the filmic journey of YANG Fudong.

About the Lecturer:

Davide Quadrio is a China based producer and curator. He founded and directed for a decade the first not-for-profit independent creative lab in Shanghai, Bizart Art Center, as a platform to foster the local contemporary art scene. In 2007 Quadrio created Arthub Asia, a production and curatorial proxy active in Asia and worldwide. He is currently hosted by Shanghai Visual Art Institute and is working as curator for the Aurora Museum, Shanghai. Assisted by ongoing collaborations with Arthub the Museum plans to open a new contemporary art wing in 2016. He is part of the Curatorial Board of PAC, Pavilion of Contemporary Art of Milan, as well as he is responsible for the international curatorial program of Scene 44, Marseillea platform for production between visual art, movement and space. With Bizart and its team, and currently with Arthub Asia, Quadrio has organised hundreds ofexhibitions, educational activities and exchanges in China and abroad, developing relationships with local and foreign artists, independent organizations and institutions worldwide.

How to RSVP:

1. Dial 021-64261901 * 833;

2. Email to publicprograms@yuzmshanghai.org

3. Come to the informaiton desk at YUZ Museum to make a reservation.